What is the aim of the project?

The game's primary goal is to establish a strong connection with your digital cat and motivate you to lead a more active lifestyle with the help of the desire to develop your pet and its land.

What is CyberCats?

CyberCats is a Free-to-Play Move-to-Earn NFT mobile game that allows you to bring gaming reality into the real world using AR technology. You can interact with the magnificent game world, fight zombies, walk with your CyberCat, earn $CCAT tokens, improve your NFTs and sell them!

Can you tell me about the team?

Our CyberCats team has extensive experience creating large fan bases, and our innovative approach can attract many more people to the world of crypto games. You can read more about our team here(https://cybercats-game.com/team).

What blockchain is the game being developed on?

The game is being developed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). BEP-20 SmartContract: 0x1064497597e9295e27a24435dab15cf67daf3558

How to make money in the CyberCats Game?

Let us show you a complete list of possible activities in the game:

โ€” Movements (walking, running, ๐Ÿ”œcycling)

โ€” Killing zombies in AR

โ€” Team battles with zombies

โ€” Special events

โ€” Competitions between users

Does the CyberCats project have a smart contract audit?

Yes, the smart contract of our project has passed audits of Solidity Finance(https://solidity.finance/audits/CYBERCATS/) and SolidProof(https://app.solidproof.io/projects/cybercats).

Has the team completed a KYC?

Yes, our team has completed a KYC: https://novos.tech/CyberCat_KYC.html

Why do I need an exclusive NFT?

Exclusive NFTs help you earn more and faster in the game. You don't have to waste time on initial character development; you will immediately be able to experience all the delights of the gameplay and a variety of mechanics. Moreover, exclusive NFTs are constantly increasing in price in the Marketplace, so this is a good investment.

Where can i learn more about the project?

First and foremost, read our Whitepaper to get a general understanding of what we are building and why. For additional information, you can follow our posts on Telegram, Medium, Twitter, or simply join our Discord server.

How and where to buy $CCAT token?

You can buy our token on the Private Sale page.

When will the CyberCats Game be available?

The project is at the stage of Private Sale. After that, there will be a Public Sale and listing on the PancakeSwap, after which everyone can start playing CyberCats.

Last updated